Helsinki-Malmi airport is under serious threat of total destruction! Please, visit for more information about the airfield. The field is currently (November, 2024) still officially temporarily closed, and it's future is very, very uncertain...The City of Helsinki is using it for other purposes and have started housing construction preparations on the airport area.
Helsinki-Malmi was the busiest general aviation airport in Finland up until it was temporarily closed in the spring of 2021. The airport is located less than 10 km north of the center of Helsinki, the capital of Finland. It has served pilot training, professional, business and recreational aviation, and offered an extensive range of aviation services from aircraft and helicopter maintenance and repairs to aircraft rental. Several pilot schools and flying clubs were located at Helsinki-Malmi. Helsinki-Malmi Airport was selected as one of the 7 Most Endangered Cultural Heritage Sites in Europe, so it’s well worth getting to know.
- This scenery is made based on photographs and satellite images from 2016, 2019 and 2020
- The current version reflects the situation in 2016 when the airport still was fully in operation with two active runways and a manned tower
- Runway, taxiways, aprons and markings are very close to real life
- Almost all airport buildings and lots of other objects are modeled and true to real life
- All parking spots are numbered according to real life, some of them can be used for spawning in MSFS
- Runway lights and PAPI for runways 18/36 and 09/27
- ALS for runways 18 and 27
- Correct taxiway names, taxiway lighting, taxiway signs, position signs and sign boards
- TWR, GND and ATIS frequencies in use
- Working fuel station in the northeast part of Apron 1
- Working custom fuel truck that can be called through the Ground Services
- Windsocks and weather data collection equipment correctly placed
- Adjusted vegetation in the vicinity of the airfield
- ...and much more
Please, read the Readme file before installing!
Version 2.1.2
- Removes problems introduced by SU15 or the CU7 (redundant trees, sunken coastlines, piers and bridges...)
Version 2.0 is a major update that changes the airport to reflect the situation in 2016 when the airport still was fully in operation. Lots of improvements, additions and changes have been made:
- Both runways are now in use
- PAPIs and runway edge lights on runway 09/27
- Approach lights activated for runway 27
- All parking squares have been re-drawn in the correct look and correct places
- All parking squares now have the correct numbers painted on the ground
- Some more MSFS parkings have been added (not all available squares, though)
- TWR and GND frequencies are activated (ATIS was already available and the TWR frequency was used as UNICOM in previous versions)
- A working custom fuel truck can be called on the GND frequency
- Taxiways have been refined and taxiways A and F activated for runway 09/27
- Sign boards have been added along the runways to indicate the taxiways
- Position signs have been added to taxiways A, F and T
- The apron and taxiway asphalt areas have been adjusted and improved
- Several new objects have been added (electricity outlets, fire extinguisher boxes, wastebins etc.)
- The static Airveteran DC3 has been moved to its original parking spot
- New objects have been added around the terminal building (benches, signs, flyer, wastebins, parking area signs)
- The car parking area entrance has been added
- Three special streetlights added to the circular green area at the car parking space
- The CheckIn café hut has been re-modelled
- The roofs of hangar 4 and 5 have new textures, including the HeliTour logo on hangar 4
- Improvements to vegetation in different parts of the airport
- If you have the "Windy Things" add-on installed you will see animated flags on the five flagpoles (
Version 1.7.0 does not change anything at the airport itself, but it
- removes an oversized windmill south of the airport
- removes trees growing in the water when photogrammetry is in use (introduced by SU8)
- makes piers and boats visible in most of the leisure-boat harbours in the area
- makes some missing bridges visible
-makes large common reed areas visible in three important birding areas (one of them directly south of the airport)
Version 1.6.2
- Minor update: Added a another missing fire extinguisher texture ...
- Version 1.6.1
- Minor update: Added a missing texture on the fire extinguisher on the KanAir fuel truck (Sorry for that...)
- Version 1.6 is a major update, adding improved models and many new objects.
These include:
• The terminal is totally re-built from scratch based on lots of photographs taken in 2019 and very detailed, partly using PBR textures.
• Detailed real life fences and gates have been added.
• The clocks on the terminal are now animated and show real (sim) time.
• Vegetation around the terminal has been modified.
• Night lighting has been added to the terminal, the fuel station and surroundings.
• The fuel station has been modelled and is now close to real life.
• The small KanAir fuel truck has been modelled in detail and parked at the fuel station.
• Two small buildings and lots of objects have been added.
• Cracks have been added to all aprons - Version 1.4.8 is a minor update to fix the secondary windsock that was pointing in the wrong direction.
- Version 1.4.5 corrects an error that caused CTD when taxiing or landing on the closed runway 9/27 and thus makes the scenery Sim Update 7 compatible. LODs are still missing so building and objects might not be fully visible from a distance.
- Version 1.4 is an update that work correctly in MSFS2020 World Update 5