Varkaus airport (EFVR) is an uncontrolled airport in the municipality of Joroinen, 17 km south of the city of Varkaus in south-eastern Finland. The airfield is at the site of what originally was the old military airport in Jorois. In the 1980s, the airport was very busy with scheduled flights, but commercial flight activity on the field faded around 2014, and the last scheduled flight was flown in 2016. In 2019, the field lost its airport status. Varkaus airport was reopened in September 2022 as an uncontrolled airport. The Varkaus Aviation Association is active at the airport, and it engages in gliding, motor gliding, motorized flying and ultralight flying at the airport
Version 1.0.24
Adapted to work as such in MSFS 2024 (removed redundant buildings introduced by MSFS 2024).
Version 1.0
- Initial version